Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Exponential Economic & Population Growth World Economy Runaway Train Ponzi Scheme; heading for Cliff of Finite Resources!

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: A Ponzi scheme is a financial scam that involves paying abnormally high returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. The entire financial system is equivalent to a gigantic Ponzi scheme; which include many interlinked subsiduary Ponzi schemes, such as the sub-prime crisis, the sovereign debt crisis, the derivatives crisis, etc.

Humans: An Endangered Species: [V] A Proposal: How to Determine Who Can and Who Cannot Reproduce



Copyright by Jason G. Brent
Jan. 1, 2008, Jan.1, 2009, and July 17, 2010

  1. Introduction
  2. The Book Begins
  3. Smart Growth, Dumb Option
  4. Recycling has its limits
  5. Space Travel Not the Answer
  6. The Power of Compound Growth
  7. Declining Growth Rates Mask a Coming YouthQuake
  8. The Exploding Growth of the Indian Sub-Continent
  9. Gambling Our Future on Statistical Projections
  10. There Isn't any Fix for Perpetual Growth
  11. At Most the Earth Could Support One Billion on an American Life Style
  12. Doubling the Economic Output of the Planet Just to Stay Even
  13. The World Will Not Be Big Enough for Both Resource Hogs -- China and the United States of America
  14. Humanity Cannot Afford to Gamble on Voluntary Population Control
  15. Terrorists and the Power of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  16. Religion -- A Potent Force Against Population Stabilization
  17. Universal Voluntary Birth Control -- A Pipe Dream Humanity Cannot Afford
  18. The Delusional Expectations of Technological Solutions
  19. Environmentalism Fails to Address the Root Cause
  20. Triage Ethics -- Conventional Morality or Human Survival?
  21. The Exhaustion of Oil -- A Death Sentence for Billions
  22. Water Shortages
  23. Easter Island - A Lesson Which Humanity Must Heed
  24. Destruction of Productive Land and Destruction of Fisheries
  25. The Compound Effect of Extended Life Expectancies
  26. There Cannot be Any Procreative “Rights” in an Overpopulated World
  27. Shocking Proposals
  28. A Proposal as to How to Determine Who can and Who Cannot Reproduce
  29. The Leaders of Humanity by their Inaction Will Kill Billions of Humans


Friday, March 4, 2011

Humans: An Endangered Species: [IV] Easter Island Lesson: Peak Resources: A Death Sentence for Billions



Copyright by Jason G. Brent
Jan. 1, 2008, Jan.1, 2009, and July 17, 2010

  1. Introduction
  2. The Book Begins
  3. Smart Growth, Dumb Option
  4. Recycling has its limits
  5. Space Travel Not the Answer
  6. The Power of Compound Growth
  7. Declining Growth Rates Mask a Coming YouthQuake
  8. The Exploding Growth of the Indian Sub-Continent
  9. Gambling Our Future on Statistical Projections
  10. There Isn't any Fix for Perpetual Growth
  11. At Most the Earth Could Support One Billion on an American Life Style
  12. Doubling the Economic Output of the Planet Just to Stay Even
  13. The World Will Not Be Big Enough for Both Resource Hogs -- China and the United States of America
  14. Humanity Cannot Afford to Gamble on Voluntary Population Control
  15. Terrorists and the Power of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  16. Religion -- A Potent Force Against Population Stabilization
  17. Universal Voluntary Birth Control -- A Pipe Dream Humanity Cannot Afford
  18. The Delusional Expectations of Technological Solutions
  19. Environmentalism Fails to Address the Root Cause
  20. Triage Ethics -- Conventional Morality or Human Survival?
  21. The Exhaustion of Oil -- A Death Sentence for Billions
  22. Water Shortages
  23. Easter Island - A Lesson Which Humanity Must Heed
  24. Destruction of Productive Land and Destruction of Fisheries
  25. The Compound Effect of Extended Life Expectancies
  26. There Cannot be Any Procreative “Rights” in an Overpopulated World
  27. Shocking Proposals
  28. A Proposal as to How to Determine Who can and Who Cannot Reproduce
  29. The Leaders of Humanity by their Inaction Will Kill Billions of Humans


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Humans: An Endangered Species: [III] Triage Ethics -- Conventional Morality or Human Survival?



Copyright by Jason G. Brent
Jan. 1, 2008, Jan.1, 2009, and July 17, 2010

  1. Introduction
  2. The Book Begins
  3. Smart Growth, Dumb Option
  4. Recycling has its limits
  5. Space Travel Not the Answer
  6. The Power of Compound Growth
  7. Declining Growth Rates Mask a Coming YouthQuake
  8. The Exploding Growth of the Indian Sub-Continent
  9. Gambling Our Future on Statistical Projections
  10. There Isn't any Fix for Perpetual Growth
  11. At Most the Earth Could Support One Billion on an American Life Style
  12. Doubling the Economic Output of the Planet Just to Stay Even
  13. The World Will Not Be Big Enough for Both Resource Hogs -- China and the United States of America
  14. Humanity Cannot Afford to Gamble on Voluntary Population Control
  15. Terrorists and the Power of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  16. Religion -- A Potent Force Against Population Stabilization
  17. Universal Voluntary Birth Control -- A Pipe Dream Humanity Cannot Afford
  18. The Delusional Expectations of Technological Solutions
  19. Environmentalism Fails to Address the Root Cause
  20. Triage Ethics -- Conventional Morality or Human Survival?
  21. The Exhaustion of Oil -- A Death Sentence for Billions
  22. Water Shortages
  23. Easter Island - A Lesson Which Humanity Must Heed
  24. Destruction of Productive Land and Destruction of Fisheries
  25. The Compound Effect of Extended Life Expectancies
  26. There Cannot be Any Procreative “Rights” in an Overpopulated World
  27. Shocking Proposals
  28. A Proposal as to How to Determine Who can and Who Cannot Reproduce
  29. The Leaders of Humanity by their Inaction Will Kill Billions of Humans


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Humans: An Endangered Species: [II] When Exponential Population & Economic Growth Collides with Finite Resources



Copyright by Jason G. Brent
Jan. 1, 2008, Jan.1, 2009, and July 17, 2010

  1. Introduction
  2. The Book Begins
  3. Smart Growth, Dumb Option
  4. Recycling has its limits
  5. Space Travel Not the Answer
  6. The Power of Compound Growth
  7. Declining Growth Rates Mask a Coming YouthQuake
  8. The Exploding Growth of the Indian Sub-Continent
  9. Gambling Our Future on Statistical Projections
  10. There Isn't any Fix for Perpetual Growth
  11. At Most the Earth Could Support One Billion on an American Life Style
  12. Doubling the Economic Output of the Planet Just to Stay Even
  13. The World Will Not Be Big Enough for Both Resource Hogs -- China and the United States of America
  14. Humanity Cannot Afford to Gamble on Voluntary Population Control
  15. Terrorists and the Power of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  16. Religion -- A Potent Force Against Population Stabilization
  17. Universal Voluntary Birth Control -- A Pipe Dream Humanity Cannot Afford
  18. The Delusional Expectations of Technological Solutions
  19. Environmentalism Fails to Address the Root Cause
  20. Triage Ethics -- Conventional Morality or Human Survival?
  21. The Exhaustion of Oil -- A Death Sentence for Billions
  22. Water Shortages
  23. Easter Island - A Lesson Which Humanity Must Heed
  24. Destruction of Productive Land and Destruction of Fisheries
  25. The Compound Effect of Extended Life Expectancies
  26. There Cannot be Any Procreative “Rights” in an Overpopulated World
  27. Shocking Proposals
  28. A Proposal as to How to Determine Who can and Who Cannot Reproduce
  29. The Leaders of Humanity by their Inaction Will Kill Billions of Humans


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Humans: An Endangered Species: [I] The Power of Compound Population & Economic Growth



Copyright by Jason G. Brent
Jan. 1, 2008, Jan.1, 2009, and July 17, 2010

  1. Introduction
  2. The Book Begins
  3. Smart Growth, Dumb Option
  4. Recycling has its limits
  5. Space Travel Not the Answer
  6. The Power of Compound Growth
  7. Declining Growth Rates Mask a Coming YouthQuake
  8. The Exploding Growth of the Indian Sub-Continent
  9. Gambling Our Future on Statistical Projections
  10. There Isn't any Fix for Perpetual Growth
  11. At Most the Earth Could Support One Billion on an American Life Style
  12. Doubling the Economic Output of the Planet Just to Stay Even
  13. The World Will Not Be Big Enough for Both Resource Hogs -- China and the United States of America
  14. Humanity Cannot Afford to Gamble on Voluntary Population Control
  15. Terrorists and the Power of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  16. Religion -- A Potent Force Against Population Stabilization
  17. Universal Voluntary Birth Control -- A Pipe Dream Humanity Cannot Afford
  18. The Delusional Expectations of Technological Solutions
  19. Environmentalism Fails to Address the Root Cause
  20. Triage Ethics -- Conventional Morality or Human Survival?
  21. The Exhaustion of Oil -- A Death Sentence for Billions
  22. Water Shortages
  23. Easter Island - A Lesson Which Humanity Must Heed
  24. Destruction of Productive Land and Destruction of Fisheries
  25. The Compound Effect of Extended Life Expectancies
  26. There Cannot be Any Procreative “Rights” in an Overpopulated World
  27. Shocking Proposals
  28. A Proposal as to How to Determine Who can and Who Cannot Reproduce
  29. The Leaders of Humanity by their Inaction Will Kill Billions of Humans


HUMINT :: F(x) Population Growth x F(x) Declining Resources = F(x) Resource Wars

KaffirLilyRiddle: F(x)population x F(x)consumption = END:CIV
Human Farming: Story of Your Enslavement (13:10)
Unified Quest is the Army Chief of Staff's future study plan designed to examine issues critical to current and future force development... - as the world population grows, increased global competition for affordable finite resources, notably energy and rare earth materials, could fuel regional conflict. - water is the new oil. scarcity will confront regions at an accelerated pace in this decade.
US Army: Population vs. Resource Scarcity Study Plan
Human Farming Management: Fake Left v. Right (02:09)
ARMY STRATEGY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Office of Dep. Asst. of the Army Environment, Safety and Occupational Health: Richard Murphy, Asst for Sustainability, 24 October 2006
2006: US Army Strategy for Environment
CIA & Pentagon: Overpopulation & Resource Wars [01] [02]
Peak NNR: Scarcity: Humanity’s Last Chapter: A Comprehensive Analysis of Nonrenewable Natural Resource (NNR) Scarcity’s Consequences, by Chris Clugston
Peak Non-Renewable Resources = END:CIV Scarcity Future
Race 2 Save Planet :: END:CIV Resist of Die (01:42) [Full]