Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Depopulation of a Planet (5/6): Environmental Issues: Become Key to Imposing NWO Agenda

[Д♠]START:: Pin.2.Gong RUMC.316.H4RO ::STOP[♠Д]  US Army War College: People Wars: Ruminations on Population and Security: “How does one say ‘Lebensraum’ in Chinese?”

Future wars and violent conflicts will be shaped by the inabilities of governments to function as effective systems of resource distribution and control, and by the failure of entire cultures to compete in the post-modern age. The worldwide polarization of wealth, afflicting continents and countries, as well as individuals in all countries, will prove insurmountable, and social divisions will spark various forms of class warfare more brutal than anything imagined by Karl Marx.

Basic resources will prove inadequate for populations exploding beyond natural limits, and we may discover truths about ourselves that we do not wish to know. In the end, the greatest challenge may be to our moral order.

Resource scarcity will be a direct cause of confrontation, conflict, and war. The struggle to maintain access to critical resources will spark local and regional conflicts that will evolve into the most frequent conventional wars of the next century. Today, the notion of resource wars leads the Westerner to think immediately of oil, but water will be the fundamental need of some states, anti-states, and peoples. We envision a need to preserve rainforests, but expanding populations will increasingly create regional shortages of food--especially when nature turns fickle. We are entering the century of "not enough," and we will bleed for things we previously could buy.
~ US Army War College: The Culture of Future Conflict: Overpopulation & Resource Scarcity will be the Direct Cause of Confrontation, Conflict, and War ~


Depopulation Of A Planet

Environmental Issues:
Become Key To Imposing NWO Agenda

Part I: Historical Perspective
Part II: What you can’t see will hurt you!
Part III: No easy Answers!
Part IV: A Picture Emerges
Part V: U.N. Rings the Alarm
Part VI: The Final Chapter


Part V: U.N. Rings The Alarm


In their book The Healing Planet - Strategies For Resolving The Environmental Crisis, Paul and Anne Ehrlich write:
"In this century, humanity has become a truly planetary ecological force, its effects going far beyond the transformation of the landscape to include altering the composition of the atmosphere globally, interfering with planetary nutrient cycles, modifying climate, and exterminating other life forms. In historical perspective, the switch - from a modest to an overwhelming scale of impact, and from a positive to a negative impact on carrying capacity - was almost instantaneous and monumental: human activities now appear to be lowering the long-term carrying capacity and incurring risks on a scale unimaginable less than a lifetime ago."

And, also, later in the book: "Controlling population growth is critical. We cannot emphasize too strongly that significant resources must be directed into programs that limit population growth both in the United States and abroad. Because of the built-in time lags, unless the surge in human numbers is halted soon and a gradual population shrinkage begun, there is no hope of solving the problems discussed in this volume."

From the environmental impact side of the discussion, the Ehrlichs write
Measured by commercial energy use, each American, on average, causes some 70 times as much environmental damage as a Ugandan or Laotian, 20 times that of an Indian, 10 times that of a Chinese, and roughly twice that of citizens of Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, or Australia. Americans use about 50 percent more commercial energy than Soviet citizens, (who nonetheless have caused even more havoc by using it with minimum efficiency and virtually no effort to prevent environmental damage). In terms of per-capita energy use, only Canada, Luxembourg, and a few oil producers are really in our league.

Viewed in this light, the United States is the world's most overpopulated nation. It is the world's fourth largest nation in population, now numbering more than a quarter-billion people, and the average American consumes more of Earth's riches than an average citizen of any of the other "big ten" nations ... Because of this combination of a huge population, great affluence, and damaging technologies, the United States has the largest impact of any nation on Earth's fragile environment and limited resources.


(SEPT. 20, 1991)
In September 1991, as a preliminary to the United Nations "Earth Summit" Conference held in Brazil in 1992, the United Nations Associations of the United States, Canada, and Iowa sponsored a Midwest Public Hearing in Des Moines, Iowa. At the Iowa Hearing, held in co-operation with the Secretariat of the U.N. Conference in Brazil, a rather startling document was circulated privately to some of the officials. It reveals U.N. thinking on world population.

A. The time is pressing. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968, Limits To Growth was written in 1979, but insufficient progress has been made in population reduction.

B. Given global instabilities, including those in the former Soviet bloc, the need for firm control of world technology, weaponry, and natural resources is now absolutely mandatory. The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970s recommendations of the Draper Fund, must be immediately effected.

C. The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world-carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization, abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction in the numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.

D. The issue is falsely debated between a political and a cultural approach to population and resources, when in fact, faced with stubborn obstruction and day-to-day political expediency which make most of the leaders of the most populous poor countries unreliable, the issue is compulsory cooperation.

E. Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 nations, most of whose leaders are irresolute, conditioned by localist cultures, and lacking appropriate notions of the New World Order. Debate means delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.

This same document directs that the following policy must be implemented:

A. The Security Council of the United Nations, led by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation powers, will decree that henceforth the Security Council will inform all nations that its sufferance on population has ended, that all nations have quotas for reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force, when required.

B. The Security Council of the U.N. will inform all nations that outmoded notions of all national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military, and economic jurisdiction in any region in the world and that this will be enforced by the Major Nations of the Security Council.

C. The Security Council of the U.N. will take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major Nations of the Security Council.

D. The Security Council of the U.N. will explain that not all races and peoples are equal, nor should they be. [Sounds remarkably similar to George Orwell's Animal Farm.] Those races proven superior by superior achievements ought to rule the lesser races, caring for them on sufferance that they cooperate with the Security Council. Decision making, including banking, trade, currency rates, and economic development plans, will be made in stewardship by the Major Nations.

E. All of the above constitute the New World Order, in which Order, all nations, regions and races will cooperate with the decisions of the Major Nations of the Security council.

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that action delayed could well be fatal. All could be lost if mere opposition by minor races is tolerated and the unfortunate vacillations of our closest comrades is cause for our hesitations. Open declaration of intent followed by decisive force is the final solution. This must be done before any shock hits our financial markets, tarnishing our credibility and perhaps diminishing our force.


On December 22, 1989, Resolution 44/228 titled United Nations Conference On Environment and Development, was adopted without a vote. This resolution called for the Earth Summit which was held in Brazil in 1992, and called for Earth Day on June 5, 1992.

Let's look at the contents of this tremendously important, yet little known, U.N. resolution.

[Note to our readers - I realize that most "resolutions" are pretty dry reading. Not so in this case - well, maybe a little. Read along and be surprised at the broad, sweeping impact this has on everyone. Due to the importance and scope of the resolution, I've decided to include most of the document here.]
Recalling its resolution 43/196 of 20 Dec. 1988 on a United Nations conference on environment and development,

Taking note of decision 15/3 of 25 May 1989 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Program 161/[A/44/25] on a United Nations conference on environment and development,

Taking note also of Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/87 of 26 July 1989 on the convening of a United Nations conference on environment and development,

Taking note of Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/101 July 1989 entitled "Strengthening international co-operation on environment: provision of additional financial resources to developing countries",

Recalling also General Assembly resolution 42/186 of 11 Dec. 1987 on the Environmental Perspective of the Year 2000 and Beyond, and resolution 42/187 of 11 Dec. 1987 on the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, 162/[A/42/427],

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the question of the convening of a United Nations conference on environment and development, 163/[A/44/256/1989/66],

Mindful of the views expressed by Governments in the plenary debate held at its forty-fourth session on the convening of a United Nations conference on environment and development,

Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. 164/,

Deeply concerned by the continuing deterioration of the state of the environment and the serious degradation of the global life-support systems, as well as by trends that, if allowed to continue, could disrupt the global ecological balance, jeopardize the life-sustaining qualities of the Earth and lead to an ecological catastrophe, and recognizing that decisive, urgent and global action is vital to protecting the ecological balance of the Earth,

Recognizing the importance for all countries of the protection and enhancement of the environment,

Recognizing also that the global character of environmental problems, including climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, transboundary air and water pollution, the contamination of the oceans and seas and degradation of land resources, including drought and desertification requires actions at all levels, including the global, regional and national levels and involving the commitment and participation of all countries,

Gravely concerned that the major cause of the continuing deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable pattern of production and consumption, particularly in industrialized countries,

Stressing that poverty and environmental degradation are closely interrelated and that environmental protection in developing countries must, in this context, be viewed as an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it,

Recognizing that measures to be undertaken at the international level for the protection and enhancement of the environment must take fully into account the current imbalances in global patterns of production and consumption,

Affirming that the responsibility for containing, reducing and eliminating global environmental damage must be borne by the countries causing such damage, must be in relation to the damage caused and must be in accordance with their respective capabilities and responsibilities, [based on Ehrlich's statement above, this sounds a lot like America will pay for it]

Recognizing the environmental impact of material remnants of war and the need for further international co-operation for their removal,

Stressing the importance for all countries to take effective measures for the protection, restoration and enhancement of the environment in accordance, inter alia, with their respective capabilities, while at the same time acknowledging the efforts being made in all countries in this regard, including international co-operation between developed and developing countries,

Stressing the need for effective international co-operation in the area of research, development and application of environmentally sound technologies,

Conscious of the crucial role of science and technology in the field of environmental protection and of the need of developing countries, in particular, concerning favorable access to environmentally sound technologies, processes, equipment and related research and expertise through international co-operation designed to further global efforts for environmental protection, including the use of innovative and effective means,

Recognizing that new and additional financial resources will have to be channeled to developing countries in order to ensure their full participation in global efforts for environmental protection,


1. Decides to convene a United National Conference on Environment and Development of two weeks' duration and at the highest possible level of participation to coincide with World Environment Day, 5 June 1992;

2. Accepts with deep appreciation the generous offer of the Government of Brazil to host the Conference;

3. Affirms that the Conference should elaborate strategies and measures to halt and reverse the effects of environmental degradation in the context of strengthened national and international efforts to promote sustainable and environmentally sound development in all countries;

4. Affirms that the protection and enhancement of the environment are major issues that affect the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world;

5. Also affirms that the promotion of economic growth in developing countries is essential to address problems of environmental degradation;

6. Further affirms the importance of a supportive international economic environment that would result in sustained economic growth and development in all countries for protection and sound management of the environment;

7. Reaffirms that States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the applicable principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their environmental policies, and also reaffirms their responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and the need for States to play their due role in preserving and protecting the global and regional environment in accordance with their capacities and specific responsibilities;

8. Affirms the responsibility of States for the damage to the environment and natural resources caused by activities within their jurisdiction or control through transboundary interference, in accordance with national legislation and applicable international law;

9. Notes that the largest part of the current emission of pollutants into the environment, including toxic and hazardous wastes, originates in developed countries, and therefore recognizes that those countries have the main responsibility for combating such pollution;

10. Stresses that large industrial enterprises, including transnational corporations, are frequently the repositories of scarce technical skills for the preservation and enhancement of the environment, conduct activities in sectors that have an impact on the environment and, to that extent, have specific responsibilities and that, in this context, efforts need to be encouraged and mobilized to protect and enhance the environment in all countries;

11. Reaffirms that the serious external indebtedness of developing countries, and other countries with serious debt-servicing problems, has to be addressed efficiently and urgently in order to enable those countries to contribute fully and in accordance with their capacities and responsibilities to global efforts to protect and enhance the environment;

12. Affirms that in the light of the above, the following environmental issues, which are not listed in any particular order of priority, are among those of major concern in maintaining the quality of the Earth's environment and especially in achieving environmentally sound and sustainable development in all countries:

(a) Protection of the atmosphere by combating climate change, depletion of the ozone layer and transboundary air pollution;
(b) Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources;
(c) Protection of the oceans and all kinds of seas, including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, and of coastal areas and the protection, rational use and development of their living resources;
(d) Protection and management of land resources by, inter alia, combating deforestation, desertification and drought;
(e) Conservation of biological diversity;
(f) Environmentally sound management of biotechnology;
(g) Environmentally sound management of wastes, particularly hazardous wastes, and of toxic chemicals, as well as prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic and dangerous products and wastes;
(h) Improvement of the living and working environment of the poor in urban slums and rural areas, through eradicating poverty, inter alia by implementing integrated rural and urban development programs, as well as taking other appropriate measures at all levels necessary to stem the degradation of the environment;
(i) Protection of human health conditions and improvement of the quality of life;

13. Emphasizes the need for strengthening international co-operation for the management of the environment to ensure its protection and enhancement and the need to explore the issue of benefits derived from activities, including research and development, related to the protection and development of biological diversity;

14. Reaffirms the need to strengthen international co-operation, particularly between developed and developing countries, in research and development and the utilization of environmentally sound technologies;

15. Decides that the Conference, in addressing environmental issues in the development context, should have the following objectives:

(a) To examine the state of the environment and changes that have occurred since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and since the adoption of such international agreements as the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification, 165/[1977-A/Conf. 74/36] the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, adopted on 22 March 1985, and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, adopted on 16 September 1987, taking into account the actions taken by all countries and intergovernmental organizations to protect and enhance the environment;

(b) To identify strategies to be coordinated regionally and globally, as appropriate, for concerted action to deal with major environmental issues in the socio-economic development processes of all countries within a particular time-frame;

(c) To recommend measures to be taken at the national and international levels to protect and enhance the environment, taking into account the specific needs of developing countries, through the development and implementation of policies for sustainable and environmentally sound development with special emphasis on incorporating environmental concerns in the economic and social development process, and of various sectorial policies and through, inter alia, preventive action at the sources of environmental degradation, clearly identifying the sources of such degradation and appropriate remedial measures, in all countries;

(d) To promote the further development of international environmental law, taking into account the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment, 166/ [U.N. pub. sales no. E.73.II.A.14] as well as the special needs and concerns of the developing countries, and to examine, in this context, the feasibility of elaborating general rights and obligations of States, as appropriate, in the field of the environment, also taking into account relevant existing international legal instruments;

(e) To examine ways and means further to improve co-operation in the field of protection and enhancement of the environment between neighboring countries with a view to eliminating adverse environmental effects;

(f) To examine strategies for national and international action with a view to arriving at specific agreements and commitments by Governments for defined activities to deal with major environmental issues, in order to restore the global ecological balance and to prevent further deterioration of the environment, taking into account the fact that the largest part of the current emission of pollutants into the environment, including toxic and hazardous wastes originates in developed countries, and therefore recognizing that those countries have the main responsibility for combating such pollution;

(g) To accord high priority to drought and desertification control and to consider all means necessary, including financial, scientific and technological resources, to halt and reverse the process of desertification with a view to preserving the ecological balance of the planet;

(h) To examine the relationship between environmental degradation and the structure of the international economic environment, with a view to ensuring a more integrated approach to environment-and-development problems in relevant international forums without introducing new forms of conditionality;

(i) To examine strategies for national and international action with a view to arriving at specific agreements and commitments by Governments and by intergovernmental organizations for defined activities to promote a supportive international economic environment that would result in sustained and environmentally sound development in all countries, with a view to combating poverty and improving the quality of life, and bearing in mind that the incorporation of environmental concerns and considerations in development planning and policies should not be used to introduce new forms of conditionality in aid or in development financing and should not serve as a pretext for creating unjustified barriers to trade;

(j) To identify ways and means to provide new and additional financial resources, particularly to developing countries, for environmentally sound development programs and projects in accordance with national development objectives, priorities and plans and to consider ways of establishing effective monitoring of the implementation of the provision of such new and additional financial resources, particularly to developing countries, so as to enable the international community to take further appropriate action on the basis of accurate and reliable data;

(k) To identify ways and means to provide additional financial resources for measures directed towards solving major environmental problems of global concern and especially to support those countries, in particular developing countries, for whom the implementation of such measures would entail a special or abnormal burden, in particular owing to their lack of financial resources, expertise or technical capacity;

(l) To consider various funding mechanisms, in eluding voluntary ones, and to examine the possibility of a special international fund and other innovative approaches, with a view to ensuring the carrying out, on a favorable basis, of the most effective and expeditious transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries;

(m) To examine with the view to recommending effective modalities for favorable access to, and transfer of, environmentally sound technologies, in particular to the developing countries, including on concessional and preferential terms, and for supporting all countries in their efforts to create and develop their endogenous technological capacities in scientific research and development, as well as in the acquisition of relevant information, and, in this context, to explore the concept of assured access for developing countries to environmentally sound technologies in its relation to proprietary rights with a view to developing effective responses to the needs of developing countries in this area;

(n) To promote the development of human resources, particularly in developing countries, for the protection and enhancement of the environment;

(o) To recommend measures to Governments and the relevant bodies of the United Nations system, with a view to strengthening technical co-operation with the developing countries to enable them to develop and strengthen their capacity for identifying, analyzing, monitoring, managing or preventing environmental problems in accordance with their national development plans, objectives and priorities;

(p) To promote open and timely exchange of information on national environmental policies, situations and accidents;

(q) To review and examine the role of the United Nations system in dealing with the environment and possible ways of improving it;

(r) To promote the development or strengthening of appropriate institutions at the national, regional and global levels to address environmental matters in the context of the socio-economic development processes of all countries;

(s) To promote environmental education, especially of the younger generation, as well as other measures to increase awareness of the value of the environment;

(t) To promote international co-operation within the United Nations system in monitoring, assessing and anticipating environmental threats and in rendering assistance in cases of environmental emergency;

(u) To specify the respective responsibilities of and support to be given by the organs, organizations and programs of the United Nations system for the implementation of the conclusion of the Conference;

(v) To quantify the financial requirements for the successful implementation of Conference decisions and recommendations and to identify possible sources, including innovative ones, of additional resources;

(w) To assess the capacity of the United Nations system to assist in the prevention and settlement of disputes in the environmental sphere and to recommend measures in this field, while respecting existing bilateral and international agreements that provide for the settlement of such disputes.

Section II, the final section of the resolution, goes on to outline the specific logistics from Committees to participants and ways to co-ordinate the Conference and future actions.


In the book Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy To Save Our Planet, edited by Daniel Sitarz, we find

Agenda 21 is, first and foremost, a document of hope. Adopted at the Earth Summit in Brazil [1992] by nations representing over 98% of the Earth's population, it is the principal global plan to confront and overcome the economic and ecological problems of the late 20th century. It provides a comprehensive blueprint for humanity to use to forge its way into the next century by proceeding more gently upon the Earth. As its sweeping programs are implemented world-wide, it will eventually impact on every human activity on our planet. Deep and dramatic changes in human society are proposed by this monumental historic agreement. Understanding those changes is essential to guide us all into the future on our fragile planet.

Humanity is at a crossroads of enormous consequence. Never before has civilization faced an array of problems as critical as the ones now faced. As forbidding and portentous as it may sound, what is at stake is nothing less than the global survival of human kind.

The effects of human impact upon the Earth have been accelerating at a rate unforeseen even a handful of decades ago. Where once nature seemed forever the dominant force on Earth, evidence is rapidly accumulating that human influence over nature has reached a point where natural forces may soon be overwhelmed. Only very recently have the citizens of Earth begun to appreciate the depth of the potential danger of human impact on our planet. The equilibrium of the planet is in jeopardy, as judged by forces as profound as the global climate and the atmospheric protection from the Sun's damaging rays. Major changes in the ecological balance of the world are occurring very rapidly, more rapidly in many cases than humanity's ability to assess the dangers.

Despite perceived feelings of superiority over nature, humanity remains fully and totally dependent upon the natural world. We need the bounty of nature to survive on this planet. We need the fresh air to breathe, the clean water to drink, the fertile soil to provide our sustenance. Human impact upon these vital substances has reached the point of causing potentially irreversible damage. Scientists around the world, in every country on Earth, are documenting the hazards of ignoring our dependence upon the natural world.

There is strong evidence from the world's scientific community that humanity is very, very close to crossing certain ecological thresholds for the support of life on Earth. The Earth's ozone layer, our only protection from the harmful rays of the Sun is being depleted. Massive erosion is causing a rapid loss in the fertile soil of our planet and with it a potentially drastic drop in the ability to produce food for the world's people. Vast destruction of the world's forests is contributing to the spread of the world's deserts, increasing the loss of bio-diversity and hampering the ability of the Earth's atmosphere to cleanse itself. The planet’s vast oceans are losing their animal life at a staggering rate and are fast reaching the limit of their ability to absorb humanity's waste. The land animals and plants of our planet are experiencing a rate of extinction unseen on Earth since the time of the dinosaurs; extinctions brought on not by cataclysmic events of nature but by the impact of a single species: homo-sapiens. The increasing pollution of air, water and land by hazardous and toxic waste is causing wide-spread health problems that are only now beginning to be understood. All of these problems are being intensified by the explosive growth in the sheer numbers of human beings in the last half of the 20th century.

For the first time in history, humanity must face the risk of unintentionally destroying the foundation of life on Earth. The global scientific consensus is that if the current levels of environmental deterioration continue, the delicate life-sustaining qualities of this planet will collapse. It is a stark and frightening potential. To prevent such a collapse is an awesome challenge for the global Community.

In December of 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations confronted this daunting task. The urgency of the problems of development and environment prompted the nations of the world to call for an unprecedented meeting - a meeting of all of the nations on Earth - an Earth summit. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was set for June of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The scope of attendance at this historic meeting clearly defines the importance of its task. It was, very simply, the largest gathering of heads of state in the history of life on Earth. On June 13, 1992, nearly 100 world leaders met around a single table in Rio de Janeiro in the largest face-to-face meeting of national leaders in the history of international diplomacy.

Agenda 21 is not a static document. It is a plan of action. It is meant to be a hands-on instrument to guide the development of the Earth in a sustainable manner. Recognizing the global nature of the environmental problems that face humanity, it is based on the premise that sustainable development of the Earth is not simply an option: it is a requirement - a requirement increasingly imposed by the limits of nature to absorb the punishment which humanity has inflicted upon it. Agenda 21 is also based on the premise that sustainable development of the Earth is entirely feasible. The transition to a global civilization in balance with nature will be an exceedingly difficult task, but Agenda 21 is the collective global alert that there is no alternative. We must align human civilization with the natural equilibrium of our planet and we must do so very rapidly if we are to prevent an irreversible decline in the quality of life on Earth.

The bold goal of Agenda 21 is to halt and reverse the environmental damage to our planet and to promote environmentally sound and sustainable development in all countries on Earth. It is a blueprint for action in all areas relating to the sustainable development of our planet into the 21st century. It calls for specific changes in the activities of all people. It includes concrete measures and incentives to reduce the environmental impact of the industrialized nations, revitalize development in developing nations, eliminate poverty world-wide and stabilize the level of human population.

Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced - a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.

The successful implementation of the far-ranging actions proposed by Agenda 21 will require active participation by people throughout the world, at the local, national and global levels. There are measures that are directed at all levels of society - from international bodies such as the United Nations and the World Bank to local groups and individuals. There are specific actions which are intended to be undertaken by multinational corporations and entrepreneurs, by financial institutions and individual investors, by high tech companies and indigenous people, by workers and labor unions, by farmers and consumers, by students and schools, by governments and legislators, by scientists, by women, by children - in short, by every person on Earth.

The overall levels and patterns of human consumption and production must be compatible with the finite capacities of the Earth. As the human population on Earth increases, there will be ever greater pressure for people throughout the world to attain a higher standard of living. If the model lifestyle for this increasing populace is based on the current excessive consumption levels and inefficient production methods of the industrialized countries, the thresholds of economic and environmental disaster will soon be reached. Sustainable patterns of consumption and efficient methods of production must be developed and encouraged in all societies.

One of the most important root causes of the intensifying human impact on our planet is the unprecedented growth in the sheer numbers of human beings in the last 50 years. The world's population is now growing by nearly 100 million people every year. Population pressures are placing increasing stress on the ecological systems of the planet. All countries must improve their ability to assess the environmental impact of their population growth rates and develop and implement appropriate policies to stabilize populations.

[Still quoting from Agenda 21, under the heading Controlling Population Growth, we read:]

The spiraling growth of world population fuels the growth of global production and consumption. Rapidly increasing demands for natural resources, employment, education and social services make any attempts to protect natural resources and improve living standards very difficult. There is an immediate need to develop strategies aimed at controlling world population growth. There is an urgent demand to increase awareness among decision-makers of the critical role that population plays in environmental protection and development issues.

[Then, under National Population Policies, we find:]

Existing plans for sustainable development have generally recognized that population is a vital factor which influences consumption patterns, production, lifestyles and long-term sustainability. Far more attention, however, must be given to the issue of population in general policy formulation and the design of global development plans. All nations of the world have to improve their capacities to assess the implications of their population patterns. The long term consequences of human population growth must be fully grasped by all nations. They must rapidly formulate and implement appropriate programs to cope with the inevitable increase in population numbers. At the same time, measures must be incorporated to bring about the stabilization of human population. The full consequences of population growth must be understood and taken into account at all levels of decision-making.

[Agenda 21 ends with:]

In the next few years, the basic tenets of Agenda 21 will begin to influence decision-making at every level of society. A deep understanding of the rationale behind the drive for sustainable global development will enable every person to contribute to the success of Agenda 21 programs. For the far-ranging programs of Agenda 21 to be successful, a concern for the environment must begin to be integrated into every human action and every personal decision. What we manufacture, what we buy, what we wear, how we travel, what we eat, who we choose as leaders: these and a myriad of other daily questions must begin to be answered with a recognition that every single human action has an impact upon both the environment and upon all other people. Humanity has reached the point in its history when it must begin the difficult and demanding task of taking responsibility for each and every one of its actions. The sheer numbers of human beings are now causing our collective actions to have an unprecedented effect upon the planet.

As humanity approaches the end of this century, it is poised at a crossroads of unmatched magnitude. The very existence of human life on Earth may well depend upon the direction which is taken in the next few years. Without question, the character and quality of human life on this planet is at stake. The potential for catastrophe is huge. However, the possibilities for success are encouraging. Agenda 21 is itself a monument to the ability of humanity to join together in a global effort to solve the major problems of civilization. We each now have the opportunity and responsibility to help shape the future of life on our fragile planet. The consequences of our collective decisions will be our heritage.


In his book Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective?, Neil Miller (National Vaccine Information Center) writes:

A brief review of the data presented in this book indicates that:

1) Many of the vaccines were not the true cause of a decline in the incidence of the disease. Increased nutritional and sanitary measures probably deserve credit. Some diseases may also have their own evolutionary cycles; the virulent nature of the virgin disease is transformed into a tame illness as members of the population are exposed to it and gain "herd" immunity.

2) None of the vaccines can confer genuine immunity. Often the opposite is true; the vaccine increases the chance of contracting the disease. (Published "vaccine efficacy rates" are misleading. They are often evaluated by measuring blood antibody levels - not by comparing infection rates in vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.)

3) All of the vaccines can produce side-effects. Reactions range from soreness at the injection site to brain damage and death.

4) The long-term effects of all vaccines are unknown. Particularly distressing are the implications that vaccines can be devastating to the young child's immature immune system. Studies were presented showing impaired health protection following injections. Lowered physical defenses may be responsible for a new breed of autoimmune diseases. Other studies showed damage to the brain and nervous system following shots - post-vaccinal encephalitis. This, in turn, causes large numbers of children to grow up with physical, mental and emotional disabilities of varying degrees. All of these conditions affect the individual, his or her family, and society as well.

5) Several of the vaccines can be especially dangerous. Nevertheless, the Medical-lndustrial Complex continues to maintain its deceptive practice of disregarding vaccine reactions. In fact, medical officials recently suggested that they were justified in administering new and unproven vaccines by claiming it is unethical to withhold them! Meanwhile, creative propaganda on the merits of vaccinations remains a lucrative ploy. For example, the AMA admits that "adult vaccines need a gimmick." CDC physicians suggest a catchy slogan, like "Vaccines are not just kid stuff." Our policy-makers have lobbied for laws against freedom of choice. Their patterns of coercion and denial are notorious among the enlightened members of the population (parents who question vaccines), though sadly their awakenings may have cost them dearly - often the life or health of their own child.


In his book Murder By Injection - The Story Of The Medical Conspiracy Against America, Eustace Mullins writes:
One of the few doctors who has dared to speak out against the Medical Monopoly, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, dramatized his stand against Modern Medicine by defining it as a Church which has Four Holy Waters. The first of these, he listed as Vaccination. Dr Mendelsohn termed vaccination "of questionable safety." However, other doctors have been more explicit. It is notable that the Rockefeller interests have fought throughout the nineteenth century to make these Four Holy Waters compulsory throughout the United States, ignoring all the protests and warnings of their dangers.

Of these four items, which might well be termed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, because they too are known to bring death and destruction in their wake, the most pernicious in its long-term effects may well be the practice of immunization. This practice goes directly against the discovery of modern holistic medical experts that the body has a natural immune defense against illness. The Church of Modern Medicine claims that we can only be absolved from the peril of infection by the Holy Water of vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection, which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long immunity, hence the term, "immunization." The greatest heresy any physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations of the Medical Monopoly. Yet one physician, Dr. Henry R. Bybee, of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated, "My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name. I believe that such diseases as cancer, syphilis, cold sores and many other disease conditions are the direct results of vaccination. Yet, in the state of Virginia, and in many other states, parents are compelled to submit their children to this procedure while the medical profession not only receives its pay for this service, but also makes splendid and prospective patients for the future."

From London comes an alarming observation from a practitioner of excellent reputation and long experience. Dr. Herbert Snow, senior surgeon at the Cancer Hospital of London, voiced his concern, "in recent years many men and women in the prime of life have dropped dead suddenly, often after attending a feast or a banquet. I am convinced that some eighty percent of these deaths are caused by the inoculation or vaccination they have undergone. They are well known to cause grave and permanent disease of the heart. The coroner always hushes it up as "natural causes".

You cannot find any such warning in any medical textbook or popular book on health. In fact, this writer was able to locate it in a small volume buried deep in the stacks in the Library of Congress. Yet such an ominous observation from an established medical practitioner should be as widely circulated as possible, if only to be attacked by those who can refute its premise. At least it cannot be attacked by the Establishment as quackery, because Dr. Snow is not attempting to sell some substitute for vaccination, but merely warning of its dangers.

Another practitioner, Dr. W. B. Clarke of Indiana, finds that "Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with at least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person."

At last, we have the breakthrough for which the American Cancer Society has been searching, at such great expense, and for so many years. Dr. Clarke has never seen a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person. Is not this a lead which should be explored?

In the land where freedom rings, or is supposed to ring, it is even more surprising to find that every citizen is compelled to submit to a compulsory vaccination ritual. Here again, we are speaking of a civilization which is now being visited by two plagues, the plague of cancer and the plague of AIDS, yet compulsory vaccination offers no protection against the plagues which threaten us. It is good-bye whooping cough, good-bye diphtheria and hello AIDS. The Medical Monopoly is searching desperately for some type of "immunization" against these plagues, and no doubt will eventually come up with some type of "vaccine" which will be more dreadful than the disease. From the outset, our most distinguished medical experts have proudly informed us that AIDS is incurable, which is hardly the approach we expect from those who demand that we accept their infallibility in all things to do with medicine.

Another well known medical practitioner, Dr. J. M. Peebles of San Francisco, has written a book on vaccine, in which he says, "The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all occasions by the medical profession through political connivance made compulsory by the state, has not only become the chief menace and the greatest danger to the health of the rising generation, but likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal liberties of the American citizen; compulsory vaccination, poisoning the crimson currents of the human system with brute-extracted lymph under the strange infatuation that it would prevent smallpox, was one of the darkest blots that disfigured the last century."

Dr. Peebles refers to the fact that cowpox vaccine was one of the more peculiar "inventions or discoveries of the Age of Enlightenment." However, as I have pointed out in The Curse Of Canaan, the Age of Enlightenment was merely the latest program of the Cult of Baal and its rituals of child sacrifice, which, in one guise or another, has now been with us for some five thousand years. Because of this goal, the Medical Monopoly is also known as "The Society for Crippling Children."

Perhaps the most telling comment of Dr. Peebles' criticism is his reference to "brute-extracted lymph." Could there be some connection between the injection of this substance and the spread of a hitherto unknown form of cancer, cancer of the lymph glands? This type of cancer is not only one of the most commonly encountered versions of this disease; it is also one of the most difficult to treat, because it rapidly spreads throughout the entire system. A diagnosis of cancer of the lymph glands now means a virtual death sentence.

In an article in Science, March 4, 1977, Jonas and Darrell Salk warn that, "Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it intended to prevent ... the live virus against measles and mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis (brain damage)."

If vaccines present such a clear and present danger in children who are forced to submit to them, we must examine the forces which demand that they submit. In the United States, vaccines are actively and incessantly promoted as the solution for all infectious diseases by such government agencies as the Centers for Disease Control in Georgia, by HEW, USPHS, FDA, AMA and WHO. It is of more than passing interest that the federal agencies should be such passionate supporters of compulsory use of vaccines, and that they also should go through the "revolving door" to the big drug firms whose products they have so assiduously promoted, throughout their years of service to the public. It is these federal agents who have drafted the procedures which forced the states to enact compulsory vaccination legislation which had been drafted by the attorneys for the Medical Monopoly, to become "the law of the land."

Medical historians have finally come to the reluctant conclusion that the great flu "epidemic" of 1918 was solely attributable to the widespread use of vaccines. It was the first war in which vaccination was compulsory for all servicemen. The Boston Herald reported that forty-seven soldiers had been killed by vaccination in one month. As a result, the military hospitals were filled, not with wounded combat casualties, but with casualties of the vaccine. The epidemic was called "the Spanish Influenza," a deliberately misleading appellation, which was intended to conceal its origin. This flu epidemic claimed twenty million victims; those who survived it were the ones who had refused the vaccine. In recent years, annual recurring epidemics of flu recalled "the Russian Flu." For some reason, the Russians never protest, perhaps because the Rockefellers make regular trips to Moscow to lay down the party line.

The perils of vaccination were already known. Plain Talk magazine notes that "during the Franco-Prussian War, every German soldier was vaccinated. The result was that 53,288 otherwise healthy men developed smallpox. The death rate was high."

In what is now known as "the Great Swine Flu Massacre," the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, was enlisted to persuade the public to undergo a national vaccination campaign. The moving force behind the scheme was a $135 million windfall profit for the major drug manufacturers. They had a "swine flu" vaccine which suspicious pig raisers had refused to touch, fearful it might wipe out their crop. The manufacturers had only tried to get $80 million from the swine breeders; balked in this sale, they turned to the other market, humans. The impetus for the national swine flu vaccine came directly from the Disease Control Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Perhaps coincidentally, Jimmy Carter, a member of the Trilateral Commission, was then planning his presidential campaign in Georgia. The incumbent President, Gerald Ford, had all the advantages of a massive bureaucracy to aid him in his election campaign, while the ineffectual and little known Jimmy Carter offered no serious threat to the election. Suddenly, out of Atlanta, came the Centers for Disease Control plan for a national immunization campaign against "swine flu." The fact that there was not a single known case of this flu in the United States did not deter the Medical Monopoly from their scheme. The swine breeders had been shocked by the demonstrations of the vaccine on a few pigs, which had collapsed and died. One can imagine the anxious conferences in the headquarters of the great drug firms, until one bright young man remarked, "Well, if the swine breeders won't inject it into their animals, our only other market is to inject it into people."

The Ford-sponsored swine flu campaign almost died an early death, when a conscientious public servant, Dr. Anthony Morris, formerly of HEW and then active as director of the Virus Bureau of the Food and Drug Administration, declared that there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine, because there had never been any cases of swine flu on which they could test it. Dr. Morris then went public with his statement that "at no point were the swine flu vaccines effective." He was promptly fired, but the damage had been done. The damage control consisted of that great humanitarian, Walter Cronkite, and the President of the United States, combining their forces to come to the rescue of the Medical Monopoly. Walter Cronkite had President Ford appear on his news program to urge the American people to submit to the inoculation with the swine flu vaccine. CBS then or later could never find any reason to air any analysis or scientific critique of the swine flu vaccine, which was identified as containing many toxic poisons, including alien vital protein particles, formaldehyde, theimorosal (a derivative of poisonous mercury), polysorbate and some eighty other substances.

Meanwhile, back at the virus laboratories, after Dr. Anthony Morris has been summarily fired, a special team of workers was rushed in to clean out the four rooms in which he had conducted his scientific tests. The laboratory was filled with animals whose records verified his claims, representing some three years of constant research. All of the animals were immediately destroyed, and Morris' records were burned. They did not go so far as to sow salt throughout the area, because they believed their job was done.

On April 15, 1976, Congress passed Public Law 94-266, which provided $135 million of taxpayers' funds to pay for a national swine flu inoculation campaign. HEW was to distribute the vaccine to state and local health agencies on a national basis for inoculation, at no charge. Insurance agencies then went public with their warning that they would not insure drug firms against possible studies from the results of swine flu inoculation, because no studies had been carried out which could predict its effects. It was to foil the insurance companies that CBS had Gerald Ford make his impassioned appeal to 215,000,000 Americans to save themselves while there was still time, and to rush down to the friendly local health department and get the swine flu vaccination, at absolutely no charge. This may have been CBS' finest hour in its distinguished career of "public service."

Hardly had the swine flu campaign been completed than the reports of the casualties began to pour in. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the swine flu vaccine. The medical authorities proved equal to the challenge; they leaped to the defense of the Medical Monopoly by labeling the new epidemic, "Guillain-Barre Syndrome." There have since been increasing speculations that the ensuing epidemic of AIDS which began shortly after Gerald Ford's public assurances, were merely a viral variation of the swine flu vaccine. And what of the perpetrator of the Great Swine Flu Massacre, President Gerald Ford? As the logical person to blame for the catastrophe, Ford had to endure a torrent of public criticism, which quite naturally resulted in his defeat for election (he had previously been appointed when the agents of the international drug operations had ushered Richard Nixon out of office). The unknown Jimmy Carter, familiar only to the super-secret fellow members of the Trilateral Commission, was swept into office by the outpouring of rage against Gerald Ford. Carter proved to be almost as serious a national disaster as the swine flu epidemic, while Gerald Ford was retired from politics to life. Not only did he lose the election, he was also sentenced to spend his remaining years trudging wearily up and down the hot sandy stretches of the Palm Springs Golf course.

At the annual ACS Science Writers Seminar, Dr. Robert W. Simpson, of Rutgers University, warned that "immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps and polio may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form proviruses which will then become latent cells throughout the body ... they can then become activated as a variety of diseases including lupus, cancer, rheumatism and arthritis."

This was a remarkable verification of the earlier warning delivered by Dr. Herbert Snow of London more than fifty years earlier. He had observed that the long-term effects of the vaccine, lodging in the heart or other parts of the body, would eventually result in fatal damage to the heart. The vaccine becomes a time bomb in the system, festering as what are known as "slow viruses", which may take ten to thirty years to become virulent. When that time arrives, the victim is felled by a fatal onslaught, often with no prior warning, whether it is a heart attack or some other disease.

Herbert M. Shelton wrote in 1938 in his book, Exploitation Of Human Suffering that "Vaccine is pus - either septic or inert - if inert it will not take - if septic it produces infection." This explains why some children have to go back and receive a second inoculation, because the first one did not "take" - it was not sufficiently poisonous, and did not infect the body. Shelton says that the inoculations cause sleeping sickness, infantile paralysis, haemophlagia or tetanus.

The Surgeon General of the United States, Leonard Scheele, pointed out to the annual AMA convention in 1955 that "No batch of vaccine can be proven safe before it is given to children." James R. Shannon of the National Institute of Health declared that, "The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."

With the advent of Dr. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine in the 1950s American parents were assured that the problem had been solved, and that their children were now safe. The ensuing suits against the drug manufacturers received little publicity. David v. Wyeth Labs, a suit involving Type 3 Sabin Polio Vaccine, was judged in favor of the plaintiff, David. A suit against Lederle Lab involving Orimune Vaccine was settled in 1962 for $10,000. In two cases involving Parke-Davis' Quadrigen, the product was found to be defective. In 1962, Parke-Davis halted all production of Quadrigen. The medical loner, Dr. William Koch, declared that "The injection of any serum, vaccine, or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio, at least by 400%."

The Centers for Disease Control stayed out of sight for some time after the Great Swine Flu Massacre, only to emerge more stridently than ever with a new national scare program on the dangers of another plague, which was named "Legionnaires' Disease" after an outbreak at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia.


In a headline from the Dec. 18, 1995 edition of the San Francisco Examiner we read the following AP story.

Swine Viruses Pose Ongoing Threat Of Global Flu Epidemic
Pig and human bugs joining DNA may spawn new strain.

WASHINGTON - It may start with a pig on a remote farm in Asia.

A human influenza virus and a swine virus somehow lodge near each other in the throat of a porker. The two viruses exchange DNA, forming a unique genetic combination. Suddenly a brand new form of influenza is born.

With a simple snort by the pig, the new flu is airborne and introduced into the world. Inhaled by the farmer, it quickly reproduces by the millions and is transported to town, passed around to other humans and then hitches a ride to the city in the bronchial passages of a traveler.

Within days, thousands of humans are hacking, coughing and feverish from the new virus. The bug continues to spread, to train stations, airports and ships. In only a few weeks, a virus created by chance in that remote pig pen is felling people on six continents around the world.

That, many experts say, is how the next pandemic - or worldwide epidemic - -of killer flu could happen. Time after time, going back hundreds of years, new forms of the flu bug have broken loose and killed millions. Now, say the experts, the world may be overdue for that to happen yet again.

In an age of antibiotics and vaccines, most people regard flu as dangerous only to the elderly, the very young and those already ill. But, to experts, it lurks as a constant threat to all.

"Flu in the last decade has assumed something of a secondary status," said Dr. John LaMentague of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "But we who have dealt with the infection recognize its power." The flu virus, he said, "is constantly changing and dynamic and very resourceful."


In Dr. Eva Snead's Some Call It AIDS - I Call It Murder, we read [quoting portions from several chapters:]
Vaccines, Friend or Foe?

Under the title of "Bad Vaccines?", a journal as conservative as Newsweek expounds on the subject of vaccine contamination with retrovital microbes. "Could any of the world's stock of vaccine be contaminated by animal retroviruses similar to AIDS?", it asks. It tells of Jeremy Rifkin's request that the World Health Organization test its smallpox vaccines for such contaminants.

In the case of Rifkin's concern about the smallpox vaccination, the main concern was to find possible "BIV" closely related to the human AIDS virus - and people at high risk of exposure, such as meatpackers, for BIV antibodies.

Type "A" blood substance and "some other proteins" are unexpected materials present in cultures used to manufacture vaccines

Humans have diverse blood groups, the most well known are "A", "B" and "0". Blood groups determine compatibility or lack thereof, in blood transfusions. Animal blood and tissues contain a substance that is very similar to blood substance "A".

Substances with a proteic structure, promote the production of antibodies when injected. Some aspects of this subject were discussed at the 1967 NCI meeting by Dr. J.P. Fox, who was intrigued about certain myxoviruses which had surface antigens on them. He wondered if they provoked antibody responses in recipients.

"The crude influenza vaccines we have been using in the past do contain group "A" blood substance ... This substance also is found in chick embryo. So either the influenza virus has group "A" substance in it ... or else the vaccine carries some of the chick embryo with it."

"And I pointed out there is a lot of chick embryo protein in finished influenza vaccine, and the group A substance probably comes from the chick embryo tissues; this can be eliminated as a significant problem IF the influenza virus is grown in a cleaner substrate or is purified. Certainly, the myxoviruses do carry over some of the host protein."

Again, the total lack of control of procedure, and scientific accuracy is appalling. I think that a butcher places more emphasis in properly dissecting a side of beef, than a cell culture lab in supervising the accuracy of such a dangerous undertaking.

Adenovirus and SV-40,
A Dangerous Combination

A favorite cop-out used by virologists and other "scientists" who wish to conceal their closet-skeletons, is that inter-species infection with viruses is difficult. They usually refer to single-virus tests, not the use of viral systems. For instance, although human adenoviruses infect monkey kidneys rather poorly, if SV-40 is added, the human adenovirus infection becomes strong and lytic (destructive) of the cells. According to Fox and Baum, "The ability of SV-40 genetic material to increase the yield of adenovirus by 100 or 1,000 fold has been termed enhancement."

On the other hand, stocks E46 and SP2 of a certain strain of adenovirus (type 7) can induce the information of papovavirus SV40 tumor antigen (T antigen) in African Green Monkey Kidney cells (GMK). What actually happens is that a new virus may form when an adenovirus acquires new genetic material from the 8V-40 virus. These viral combinations were called hybrids in 1965, whereas today they are referred to as recombinants. Since we have established this equivalence, we must become aware, at this moment, that genetic engineering was alive and well long before anyone had used that term, and in total absence of any containment precautions or regulations. The impact this may have had on the environment is probably just manifesting with the plagues of the eighties and nineties.

Since SV-40 has such an enhancing effect on adenovirus, and hybrids (combinations, or what today we would call recombinants) of SV-40 and adenovirus are found in monkey kidneys used in the process of vaccine manufacturing, many virologists have researched other such SF-40 and other virus combinations. They found several, including measles + SV-40, foamy virus + SV-40 reovirus + SV-40. SV-40 is like good rum, a great mixer! [And last, but certainly not least, from Dr. Snead:]

The African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Connection

Some "AIDS" patients harbor swine fever viruses similar to those found in certain specialized research centers.

A scientist who worked in Uganda in 1985, reported to Senator Ted Kennedy about a civil war in that country, which was accompanied by an epidemic of African Swine Fever Virus. At the same time, AIDS cases were being reported in alarming numbers. The researcher noticed that swine were roaming freely in people's yards. This information was released in the New York Native of Sept. 30, 1985.

These facts were not particularly appreciated by the medical establishment, and those who dared pursue this line of thinking were chided in more than one way.

Dr. C.L.V. Martins, who researched phenomena occurring in swine, studied the behavior of one of the cellular elements that protects the body: the macrophage. "Loss of macrophage function during infection may be important in determining resistance or susceptibility of a host." In all the studies performed by this author, the macrophages not only had reduced function, but they also often kept the virus in a latent state. These studies were done on swine, not humans. Since one must be exposed to raw, living pig tissue and fluids to acquire these viruses, most people assume they could not be infected with these organisms in the daily course of their lives. But the truth lies elsewhere. With the usual hypocrisy so characteristic of bureaucracies, humans are, on the one hand, frequently warned of the dangers inherent to the improper cooking of pork, and, on the other, fed raw swine-juice ever since their birth, by direct command of health authorities. Impossible? All vaccines are treated with trypsin, raw stomach extracts of swine. Insulin and other biologicals of porcine origin are other sources. Those who dared to suggest that AIDS could have some connection with swine flu were violently chided by the powers of the "health and illness monopoly". The violent reaction of the establishment against those who first found porcine viruses in AIDS patients and then informed the public is highly suspicious and may suggest that some cover-up is under way.


In a newspaper clipping with the above headline, source unknown, which reads "excerpted from Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome's News Watch magazine from Jan. 2, 1995," we see the following,
Sir Julian Huxley said, "Overpopulation is, in my opinion, the most serious threat to the whole future of our species." The project, called MK-NAOMI, was carried out at Fort Detrick, Maryland. AIDS was made to reduce the population.

Specifically targeted were the black, Hispanic, and homosexual populations.

The incurable disease AIDS has been spread with the willful aid of international agencies whose policies call for a drastic reduction of the population, using any means necessary. Already, medical experts say as many as 30 million people in Africa have been infected with the AIDS virus.

WHO, World Health Organization, was established in 1948 with the help of Dr. John Rawlings Rees, the psychological warfare expert whose notorious Tavistock Institute and Clinic in London used brainwashing techniques as a means to carry out racial policies of genocide.

Since its inception, the WHO membership and policies have overlapped those of the WFMH and UNESCO, established in 1946 by British racialist Julian Huxley, as a vehicle for wiping out 3rd World populations with a new "Dark Ages" of famine and pestilence.

Each of the organizations named were set up as a project of the British "liberal" networks of Bertrand Russell and company whose explicit, stated policies of population control included Russell’s published call for the "creation of a Black Death every 50 years" to curb the black and yellow population.

The Club of Rome's raison d’être is to wipe out half the human race in this century.

Several Top Secret recommendations were made by Dr. Aurelio Peceei of the Club of Rome. He advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the famous Black Death of history. The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the auto-immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible.


In Michael Tobias' book World War Ill - Population And The Biosphere At The End Of The Millennium, he writes
Until recently, human beings were very much a part of this biological system of checks and balances, which seem to hold firm for all organisms. Four primary inclemencies kept Homo Sapiens in relative population calm: high infant mortality, war, famine, and disease, all contributing to a meager life expectancy. The Black Plague (Pasteurella pestis) was transmitted from the Tibetan Silk Route to a harbor at Sicily in 1347. Rodents account for 50 percent of all mammals, and it was the friendly rat, carrier of the rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), that caused such demolition. At least 30 percent of the human population died out - 50 percent between Iceland and India. Boom and bust need operate according to food scarcities and resulting famine. Disease, acting upon a host, or dense network of hosts, plays a similar role in the maintenance of populations. Not unlike the moths and the lemmings, Europeans witnessed a spectacular revival of their populations within a century of the Plague, exceeding their pre-Plague numbers.

A climatic change in eighteenth century Scandinavia allegedly compelled the Norwegian gray rat (which does not carry the plague) to find passage into western Europe, where it successfully ousted the indigenous flea-carrying black rat, thus eliminating the most incisive threat to human population.

"More than any single carrier, it is human encroachment that ultimately precipitates the emergence of killer viruses," writes Stephen S. Morse. In Japan (Japanese encephalitis), Argentina (hemorrhagic fever), U.S. (Seoul virus in Baltimore), Panama (Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis), and in nearly every other country, the connection between increasing ecological destruction and the sudden exposure of humans to long isolated or dormant bacteria, protozoans, fungi and viruses, has been identified.

Never before has there been such an avid exchange of "information" between large species (Homo Sapiens) and microbes. Of the more than 100 zoonoses (animal infections transmittable to humans) and over 520 known arthropod-born "arboviruses", at least 100 have been shown to cause diseases in people. Some are among the deadliest diseases every encountered. In 1976 in Zaire and Sudan, as many as 90 percent of those infected with Ebola virus died horribly within weeks.

The most recent incident of plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, occurred in India at the turn of the twentieth century and killed more than 10 million people. At the same time, a small outbreak among Chinese occurred in San Francisco. Another outbreak of the magnitude of that in India has been postulated for the United States.

In 1918 influenza A pandemic claimed 20 million lives worldwide in less than a year. It is believed to have originated in the United States, went to France, then returned to the U.S. where it spread rapidly from New York to California. Since then there have been serious global influenza outbreaks on at least five occasions.

While I was working on this portion of the depopulation story, Hatonn wrote "Disaster In Flu's Clothing". Hatonn's timely warning further emphasizes the immediate importance of this subject currently at hand. It is for this reason that I have chosen to somewhat expand Part V to include many current alarming headlines on the very subject of viruses and current disease.


Global diseases close to "crisis", blood probe told.

In a story from the Dec. 2, 1995 edition of The Toronto Star, written by Nick Pron, we read:
The spread of infectious diseases worldwide is reaching "crisis" levels, and no country is immune to the problem, a federal Commission was told yesterday. Canadians have to "stop thinking of ourselves in terms of isolation from the rest of the world" and get "tuned in to what's happening around the planet," Dr. Kevin Kain told the inquiry conducted by Mr. Justice Horace Krever, who is probing the safety of Canada's blood system.

Officials Warn of a Virus Deadly to Children

In the Dec. 8, 1995 edition of the New York Times, we read:
A winter respiratory virus that kills about 4,500 children a year in the United States has appeared once again, with cases already being reported across the country, federal health officials said today.

The officials of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here, said respiratory syncytial virus, or R.S.V., caused 90,000 infants and young children to be hospitalized each year with lower respiratory tract disease.

Dr. Tom Torok, a medical epidemiologist at the agency's National Center for Infectious Disease, said the virus could also cause serious respiratory disease in the elderly and in people with weakened immune systems.

"R.S.V. is under-appreciated as a cause of respiratory disease in adults," he said. "The actual magnitude has not been well studied."

During the last month, the virus has been found in all 44 states that report the results of tests for it. Activity usually begins in early November, peaks between late January and mid-February and continues until April or early May.

Dr. Torok said thc virus was most difficult to distinguish from influenza when it occurred in adults. "We don't really know whether or not there are good clinical indicators of R.S.V. versus influenza," he said.

Researchers are working on vaccines to protect against the respiratory virus and are studying the effect of giving infants a serum laden with antibodies against it.

13,000 a day infected by HIV - One out of five
carriers of deadly virus lives in southeast Asia

In the Dec. 1, 1995 edition of the Calgary Herald we read
About 13,000 people a day worldwide are infected by the virus that causes AIDS, and southeast Asia is fast becoming a main casualty zone for the disease, a leading U.S. expert said Thursday.

Jonathan Mann, director of the Global AIDS Policy Coalition, an independent international research group based at the Harvard School of Public Health, said one out of five carriers of HIV lives in southeast Asia.

"We estimate that during 1995, about 4.7 million people became newly infected with HIV around the world.

"If it continues to go as it is, it may well be in the 70-80 million range by the year 2000."

Plagues scourge Latin America
as experts despair

In an article from the Nov. 29, 1995 edition of The Montreal Gazette, written by Laurie Goering we read:
Manaus Brazil - It starts with a fever, like a hundred less deadly plagues. Then comes a growing weakness. The skin turns yellow. In the abdomen, internal bleeding begins. Soon blood pours from the body, through the eyes and in the endless black vomit. In nine out of ten cases, the liver dissolves and the victim dies.

lt's not Ebola. It's Labrea black fever, just one of a half dozen deadly and little understood viral diseases, emerging from the rain forest of Latin America. "People all the time are going to the jungle and coming back with strange fevers no one knows about said Bedsy Dutary Thatcher, a malaria specialist at Brazil's National Institute for Amazon Research in Manaus. "If we started looking for them we could isolate a new variety every week."

Perhaps never has the battle against disease looked so bleak as it does right now in Latin America and in much of the Third World. Across the planet, new diseases are appearing at a frightening pace, researchers say. Even more disturbing: old scourges once thought relegated to history are making a comeback, particularly in Latin America.

Tuberculosis, thought conquered after the introduction of new drugs in the 1940s, has roared back and is spreading out of control. Malaria, one of the world's oldest plagues, also is making a comeback. Latin America reported more than a million new cases last year, half of them in Brazil.

In Nicaragua and Honduras, a mystery illness characterized by chills, fever and severe bleeding in the lungs has been tentatively identified as leptospirosis, an animal disease contracted through contact with animal waste. The outbreak has killed 16 people and sickened more than 2,000 in the two countries over the last two months. A similar outbreak in Brazil killed more than 40 people in February.

In Columbia. what appears to have been an outbreak of mosquito-borne equine encephalitis killed at least 26 people and drove 13,000 others to seek treatment in September.

In Mexico and across much of Latin America dengue fever, characterized by high fever and intense body pain, has struck nearly 200,000 people this year and is threatening to move into the United States. A deadly variant of the disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever, has stricken another 3,500 people.

In Guyana, an unidentified illness characterized by high fever, vomiting and convulsions killed five toddlers and threatened eight others at an eastern Guyana hospital this month.

"Communicable diseases are resurging," said Dan Epstein, a spokesman for the Pan American Health Organization, based in Washington, D.C. "We've had a whole series of hemorrhagic fevers, including dengue, and the problems continue to increase."

Deadly Virus
Second outbreak of Ebola checked

In a newspaper clipping faxed to us this week, we read the following AP story:
Experts trying to contain an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Liberia are investigating reports of deaths in a second location, a World Health Organization spokesman said.

Ebola Tamed - for Now

In the Jan. 1996 edition of Discover appears an article of the above title. This article opens with, "Last Spring's plague movie, Outbreak, had to compete with a real life cliff-hanger: an appearance, in Zaire, of the dreaded Ebola virus."

Contained within this article on Ebola, is another article written by Sarah Richardson titled "Breakbone Outbreak", which opens with: "While Zaire's deadly Ebola virus was flaring up briefly, a far more widespread vital scourge was threatening the Americas. In 1995 dengue fever, nicknamed breakbone fever for the terrible joint pain it causes, reached epidemic proportions in Latin America and Caribbean countries, sickening more than 140,000 and killing 38."

Have you noticed that CNN, within the last two or three months, has run several half-hour specials on Ebola Zaire? Coincidence? They said in one program that it isn't a question of if, it is a question of when Ebola will strike in the United States. Also keep in mind what Peter Kawaja has said about the Gulf War Illness - being a form of Ebola Reston, a slow acting form of Ebola. More on that later.


In a one-page ad appearing in the Jan. 11, 1996 edition of Rolling Stone magazine, we read:
"Five million Americans have hepatitis. Do you?"

In another headline from the Nov. 29, 1995 edition of The Montreal Gazette:
Aussies exult as deadly virus hits rabbits

Broken Hill, Australia - It sounds like a script for a horror film: a deadly virus escapes from a biohazard lab. Corpses litter the landscape as a plague spreads across a continent.

But rather than flee in terror, Australians are cheering a virus that is wiping out rabbits across the outback. The real plague, people say, is the rabbit population.

"It's history, and we'll look back on this month and say what a wonderful thing it was," said sheep-rancher David Lord.

In a faxed newspaper article appearing in the Dec. 24, 1995 edition of the Chicago Tribune, written by Kenan Heise, sent to us with a note written across the top which says, "This is how they silence...", we read
Obituaries - George B. Craig, Jr., 65;
expert on disease-carrying mosquitoes

George B. Craig, Jr., 65, an entomologist and professor of biology at the University of Notre Dame, was a world-renowned expert on mosquitoes, particularly those that transmit such diseases as yellow and dengue fevers and encephalitis.

A resident of South Bend, Indiana, he died Thursday at a meeting of the American Society of Entomologists in Las Vegas.

Professor Craig has been outspoken in his criticism of this country's failure to control the spread of the Aedes albopictus, or Asian tiger mosquito. This species, named for the stripes on the mosquitoes' legs and bodies, probably invaded the United States in a shipment of used tires sent to Houston from Japan in 1985. Although rare in the North, the mosquitoes have been seen in the Chicago area. They carry sometimes fatal diseases such as dengue and several forms of encephalitis.

Professor Craig co-wrote a report in a 1992 issue of the journal Science that established that the species had carried a serious illness into this country - Eastern equine encephalitis. In a 1992 Tribune interview, he reported that half of those who recover from the disease "have destroyed brains" and that "of all kinds of encephalitis, this is by far the worst."

Most recently, he had been directing research of the dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemic that began in Mexico and has crossed into the U.S., as well as of an encephalitis epidemic in Michigan and an outbreak of LaCrosse encephalitis in West Virginia.

Horses, Handlers Killed by Mystery Virus

In an article from the Dec. 5, 1995 edition of the Daily Times of Harrison, Arkansas, written by AP writer Peter James Spielmann:
Sydney, Australia - First the horses lost their appetite, then they began to twitch. That turned into convulsions, the animals flailing against their stalls. Within two weeks, their lungs hemorrhaged and they drowned in their own blood, which gushed from their mouths and nostrils. Then the disease struck the horses' handlers, eating holes in their lungs until they choked to death.

It was the first time in medical history that a virus previously unknown to science suddenly appeared in one mammal and then jumped to another with such deadly effect, killing two horse handlers.

The culprit: a type of morbillivirus, from the family of viruses that include measles, canine distemper and cattle plague.

But it is unclear why it suddenly became so virulent, why it has adapted to killing humans and when it will strike again.

More on Ebola

In John Coleman's new book titled, Socialism: The Road To Slavery, we read:
The "surplus to requirements" population of the world - and this includes the United States - is already being decimated by laboratory made mutant viruses that are killing hundreds of thousands of people. This process will be speeded up in terms of the Club of Rome's Global 2000 genocidal blueprint - after the mobs have served their purpose. The experiments begun in Sierra Leone with Lassa fever and media visna mutant viruses is being brought to perfection in the laboratories of Harvard University in August of 1994.

A new, even more deadly virus than AIDS is about to be released.

Already released and working with deadly efficiency are the new flu viruses. These mutant flu viruses are believed to be 100 percent more effective than the "Spanish flu" viruses tested on French Moroccan troops in the fading days of WWI. Like the Lassa fever viruses, the "Spanish flu" virus got out of control, and in 1919, swept the world and killed more people than the total military casualties of both sides in WWI. There was no stopping it. Casualties in the United States were horrendous. One out of every seven people in big cities in America were swept away by "Spanish flu". People fell ill in the morning from fever and a debilitating tiredness. Within one or two days, they died - by the millions.

Who knows when the new flu mutant viruses will strike? In 1995 or perhaps the summer of 1966? Nobody knows. Also waiting in the wings is Ebola fever, its proper title, "Ebola Zaire" named after the African country of Zaire, where it first surfaced. Ebola fever cannot be stopped; it is a merciless killer, which acts fast and leaves its victims horribly contorted and bleeding from every opening in the body. Recently, Ebola Zaire has surfaced in the United States, but the news media and the Centers for Disease Control are saying little about it. Research experiments have been going on with Ebola viruses at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute involving this and other highly dangerous viruses.

What is the purpose behind unleashing these dreadful killer viruses? Population control is given as the reason, and if we read the statements made by Lord Bertrand Russell, Robert S. McNamara and H.G. Wells, the new killer viruses are merely what these men said was coming. In the eyes of the Committee of 300 and the Socialist camarilla, there are just too many unwanted people on the Earth.

But that is not the whole story. The real reason behind the alarmed global mass genocide is to create a climate of instability. Destabilize nations, set people's hearts fluttering with fear. War is part of that plan, and in 1994, war is everywhere. There is no peace on Earth.

Depopulation of a Planet (6/6): Denial of Truth Keeps You Bound in the Lie

[USNavy HUMINT :: ApacheTom.22.CrazyHorse :: SIGINT JAG] US Naval Services Long-Term Study: Global Tipping Points on Food, Water, Energy, Pollution, Population & Natural Resources & The Population Explosion

Today, 6.5 billion humans depend entirely on oil for food, energy, plastics & chemicals. Population growth is on a collision course with the inevitable decline in oil production.

To think that we can advocate for human rights, peace, and social justice while ignoring their necessary ecological basis—is both intellectually dishonest and ultimately self-defeating.

The longer we put off choosing the nicer methods of achieving demographic stability, the more likely the nasty ones become, whether imposed by nature or by some fascistic regime. Urine Good Company might represent a mild version of what could actually be in store if we let the marketplace, corporations, and secretive, militaristic governments come up with eugenic solutions to our population dilemma.
~ Population, Resources, and Human Idealism, Energy Bulletin | Population Growth: Most Powerful Force on Earth, Money&Markets ~


Depopulation 0f A Planet

Denial Of Truth

Keeps You Bound In The Lie

Part I: Historical Perspective
Part II: What you can’t see will hurt you!
Part III: No easy Answers!
Part IV: A Picture Emerges
Part V: U.N. Rings the Alarm
Part VI: The Final Chapter


Part VI: The Final Chapter


In a newspaper article from the Dec. 3, 1995 edition of the Calgary Herald, written by Mark Hume, we read:
Nuclear Peril - Doomsday Clock shows signs of inching toward midnight again

On the Doomsday Clock there is no time past midnight. There is no a.m. No morning after.

The clock, which illustrates the extent of nuclear peril in the world, is frozen at 17 minutes to midnight.

The hands, set by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists are moved only after lengthy debate.

Some of the world's leading experts will gather this week at the University of Chicago to discuss what is expected to be the first movement of the hands since 1991.

Most people think the hands will tick forward again, advancing for the first time in a decade marked by a series of backward ticks.

In 1984, with the arms race accelerating, the time was put at three minutes to midnight. By 1988, with a Soviet-U.S. treaty limiting intermediate range nuclear forces, it ticked back to six minutes to the hour. 1990 saw it go to 10 to midnight with the end of the Cold War and finally, in 1991, with the signing of the strategic-arms-reduction treaty, it went to its current time.

"I'd put it close to midnight right now," said John Mate, an anti-nuke campaigner for Greenpeace International, who believes the clock is ticking forward again.

"Unless France and others sign a comprehensive test-ban treaty, I think there's a huge threat." Mate isn't a global-security expert, but he's got more of an up-front view of the threat than most, having just returned to Vancouver from the South Pacific where he protested France's most recent nuclear-test.

On the night France exploded the world's latest nuclear bomb, Mate was aboard a small yacht just outside the 20 kilometer exclusion zone off Mururea atoll, in French Polynesia.

In the distance, he could see the glow of lights from France's nuclear-testing facility.

Mate said watching the warm electrical radiance reflecting on the waters of the South Pacific Ocean filled him with a sense of dread.

"I saw Mururea as a place that symbolizes the greatest evil that humanity can perpetrate on the planet," said Mate. "I used to refer to the testing program as nuclear madness, but since going to Mururea, I now just say it is evil."

Bill Epstein felt the political tremors in New York, where for the past 25 years he has served the Canadian government on United Nations committees concerned with nuclear proliferation.

Epstein said that by ignoring world opinion and continuing to build its nuclear arsenal, France has made it easier for other countries to do the same.

"There are 40 countries in the world today that have the capability to make a nuclear weapon if they so decide," he said. "Most of them don't, because they have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. But they can withdraw from that with three months' notice - and some of them have warned now that they might do just that."

Epstein said that if he were setting the clock today, he'd push the minute hand forward five minutes - to 12 minutes to midnight. "With the end of the Cold War a lot of people thought peace had broken out. but there is still a very real danger out there," Epstein said.


In his [Pentagon] report dated July 14, 1995, titled The "Cover-Up" of Gulf War Syndrome - A Question of National Integrity, Dr. Lindsey Arison writes,
Gulf War Syndrome is the direct health consequence of prolonged (chronic) exposure to low (non-lethal) levels of chemical and biological agents released primarily by direct Iraqi attack via missiles, rockets, artillery, or aircraft munitions and by fallout from allied bombings of Iraqi chemical warfare munitions facilities during the 38-day air war.

The effects of these exposures were exacerbated by the deleterious and synergistic side-effects of unproven Pyridostigmine bromide pills (nerve agent pre-treatment pills which were administered involuntarily), the investigational botulinum toxoid vaccines (which were also involuntary), anthrax vaccines, depleted uranium residues principally from battlefield vehicles damaged by depleted uranium-tipped armor-penetrating munitions, and to a much lesser extent, other environmental hazards such as oil fire contamination, pesticides, petrochemicals, and electromagnetic radiation from radars and communications equipment.

The infinite number of combinations and permutations of the effects of chronic exposure to low, non-lethal levels of cumulatively-effecting chemical nerve agents, to blister agents, biological agents and "cocktails", coupled with the effects of nerve agent pills, botulinum and anthrax vaccines, depleted uranium dusts, and other environmental contaminants, has produced the infinite variations in symptomatologies in Gulf War veterans. Therefore, the "mystery illness". There is, however, one principle cause.

The Department of Defense, however, continues to deny that chemical and biological agents were used during the Gulf War.

DoD is lying to our veterans and their families, to the U.S. Congress, and to the American people about the exposure of U.S. soldiers to chemical and biological agents during the Gulf War.


In a document received from Peter Kawaja titled The Saddest Chapter In America's History Is Now Being Written, we read:
Gulf War Illness is a communicable disease, spreading worse than AIDS, by mere casual contact, through perspiration, or by being close to someone who coughs. You can become infected by brushing by someone at a store. Your children can be infected at a playground or at school. Mycoplasma incognitus contains most of the HIV (AIDS) envelope, which was tampered with by humans. It is a warfare agent by design. Our government is involved in this great crime and cover-up. A nationwide/worldwide panic is going to be created, of such magnitude, that it will threaten our very existence. This same government will then step in to offer a solution; they will have "an antidote", a treatment, but only those who will accept the medical ID card will be treated, all others will be considered a danger and threat to society, hunted down, and imprisoned or killed. Americans will welcome this solution, will turn in their neighbors and friends in order to survive themselves. At the same time, this instrument will suspend the Constitution of these United States, to allow United Nations rule, the New World Order, One World Government.

America will be enslaved. Approximately 40% (from confidential sources) of the American population is already a carrier of one form (or another) of HIV, as there are now over 2,000+ strains, effectively making almost half of the population a carrier to infect others of (example) Ebola Reston, a slow-acting deadly agent, taking years to manifest itself, killing you in pain worse than Ebola Zaire, which is quick acting.

The government is already leaking news stories through the mainstream media, warning America: it is not IF, but WHEN, we will soon face a worldwide outbreak. They are preparing you for what they already know and have planned. What they are saying, however, is that this will happen by accident, because of international air travel, and Americans are believing it.


In an article written by William J. Broad from the Nov. 28, 1995 edition of The Denver Post, reprinted from the New York Times, we read
With the cold war a fading memory, the nation's spy satellites are beginning to turn some of their attention to nature.

In addition to peering at the usual military targets, they are monitoring such natural phenomena as clouds, glaciers, sea ice, deserts and tropical rain forests to gather clues about long-term global climatic change and ecological threats.

At the urging of Vice President Gore, and with the support of Congress, the new program is directing spy satellites to study about two dozen ecologically sensitive sites around the world. Ultimately, it is to monitor about 500 sites.

Scientists are programming the satellites to study diverse habitats vulnerable to environmental shifts and damage, including some that are unusually remote and forbidding. [Say, Antarctica?]

"In terms of turning swords into plowshares, this is about as good of an example as I can think of," said Dr. Jeff Dozier, dean of the school of environmental science at the University of California at Santa Barbara and a member of the program's management team. The data will be archived for future generations of scientists and will remain secret for now to conceal the abilities of the nation's reconnaissance systems, the scientists say.

Intelligence experts always try to hide the exact abilities of their surveillance systems so foes are less likely to know how to evade and counter them. And in any event, the data will be most interesting in future decades because it seeks to reveal trends over time.

The program picks areas of the Earth that are thought to be particularly revealing of changes in the natural world and repeatedly photographs them on a fixed schedule, seasonally in some cases.

Data are to be collected for decades, in theory revealing subtle ecological shifts that might otherwise be missed.


In his book Earth In The Balance - Ecology And The Human Spirit, then-Senator Al Gore writes:

"I have come to believe that we must take bold and unequivocal action: we must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization. Whether we realize it or not, we are now engaged in an epic battle to right the balance of our Earth, and the tide of this battle will turn only when the majority of people in the world become sufficiently aroused by a shared sense of urgent danger to join an all-out effort."

On the issue of population, Mr. Gore writes: "The first strategic goal should be the stabilizing of world population, with policies designed to create in every nation of the world the conditions necessary for the so-called demographic transition - the historic and well-documented change from a dynamic equilibrium of high birth rates and death rates to a stable equilibrium of low birth rates and death rates."

And also, "No goal is more crucial to healing the global environment than stabilizing human population. The rapid explosion in the number of people since the beginning of the scientific revolution - and especially during the latter half of this century - is the clearest single example of the dramatic change in the overall relationship between the human species and the Earth's ecological system."

Gore begins his concluding statements with, "Life is always motion and change. Fueled by the fruits of sun and soil, water and air, we are constantly growing and creating, destroying and dying, nurturing and organizing. And as we change, the world changes with us. The human community grows ever larger and more complex, and in doing so demands ever more from the natural world. Every day, we reach deeper into the storehouse of the Earth's resources, put more of these resources to use, and generate more waste of every kind in the process. Change begets change, then feeds on its own momentum until finally the entire globe seems to be accelerating toward some kind of profound transformation."


Elberton Granite's reputation as one of the world's best monumental stones, Elbert County's geographic location, and fate seem to be key elements in why one of the nation's most unusual monuments was unveiled near Elberton. Already called "America's Stonehenge", after the mysterious monuments in England which have puzzled men for ages, the Georgia Guidestones have attracted nationwide publicity and promises to become a major tourist attraction.

Overwhelming in size and steeped in enigma, the Guidestones were revealed to the nation in the Winter, 1979. The guidestones are as much as mystery now as they were then - and probably still will be when man ceases to record his history. The gargantuan, six-piece monument stands 19-feet high in the beautiful hill country eight miles north of Elberton and proclaims a message for the conservation of mankind. Its origins and sponsors are unknown; hence, the mystery.

The components were manufactured from Elberton Granite Finishing Company, Inc.'s "Pyramid Blue Granite", and the firm's President, Joe H. Fendley, Sr., said the project was one of the most challenging ever for his quarrying and monument manufacturing concern - partly because of the magnitude of the materials and partly because of the exacting specifications from the mysterious group of sponsors, "and those specifications were so precise that they had to be compiled by experts on stone as well as construction," said Fendley.

He said it all began late on a Friday afternoon in June when a well-dressed and articulate man walked into his offices on the Tate Street Extension in Elberton and wanted to know the cost of building a large monument to conservation. He identified himself as "Mr. Christian." He told Fendley that he represented a small group of loyal Americans living outside Georgia who wished to remain anonymous forever, and that he chose the name "Christian" because he was a Christian. He inquired where Fendley banked and Joe put him in touch with both local banks. Wyatt C. Martin, President of the Granite City Bank, was selected by "Mr. Christian" to be the intermediary for the mysterious project.

According to Martin, the man showed up at his office 30 minutes later, explained the project, and said after completion he hoped other conservation-minded groups would erect even more stones in an outer ring and carry the monument's message in more languages. He told Martin that he wanted the monument erected in a remote area away from the main tourist centers. The gentleman also said that Georgia was selected because of the availability of excellent granite, generally mild climate, and the fact that his great-grandmother was a native Georgian.

Martin persuaded the mystery man that Elbert County was the ideal location for the memorial; and he agreed, provided a suitable location could be found. He returned later and he and Martin inspected sites. "Mr. Christian", who now called himself "R. C. Christian", chose a five-acre plot on the farm of contractor Wayne Mullenix. It is the highest point in Elbert County. A few weeks later, Martin contacted Joe Fendley and told him that funds for the project were in an escrow account and to start work immediately. Martin promised that when the project was completed, he would deliver his file on the affair to the anonymous sponsors and that the secret would never he known.

He said "Christian" told him that the sponsors had planned the monument for years and that the ten "guides" for the conservation of mankind and the Earth were carefully worded as a moralistic appeal to all peoples, regardless of nationality, religion, or politics.


Overall Height: 19 ft., 3 in.
Amount of Granite: 951 Cubic Feet
Weight (Grand Total): 237,746 pounds (119 tons)
Four Upright Stones: 6 ft, 6 in. wide; 16 ft. 4 in. high; 1 ft., 7 in. thick. Weight - 42,437 lbs. each (avg.) - total weight 169,750 lbs.
One Center Stone: (the gnomon Stone) 3 ft., 3 in. wide; 16 ft., 4 in. high; 1 ft., 7 in. thick. Weight - 20,957 lbs. total
One Cap Stone: 6 ft., 6 in wide; 9 ft., 8 in. long; 1 ft., 7 in. thick. Weight - 24,832 lbs. total
Four Support Stones: (Bases) 7 ft., 4 in. long; 2 ft., 0 in. wide; 1 ft., 4 in. thick. Weight - 4,875 lbs. each (avg.) - 19,500 lbs. total
One Support Stone: (Base) 4 ft., 2.5 in. long; 2 ft., 2 in. wide; 1 ft., 7 in. thick. Weight - 2,707 lbs. total
Description of Lettering: Over 4,000 sandblasted letters, each approximately 4 in. high.


The four large upright blocks pointing outward are oriented to the limits of the migration of the moon during the course of the year.

An eye-level, oblique hole is drilled from the South to the North side of the center gnomon stone so that the North Star is always visible, symbolizing constancy and orientation with the forces of nature.

A slot is cut in the middle of the Gnomon stone to form a "window" which aligns with the positions of the rising sun at the Summer and Winter Solstices and at the Equinox so that the noon sun shines to indicate noon on a curved line.

The capstone includes a calendar of sorts where sunlight beams through a 7/8 in. hole at noon and shines on the South face of the center stone. As the sun makes its travel cycle, the spot beamed through the hole can tell the day of the year at noon each day. Allowances are made because of variations between standard time and sun time to set the beam of sunlight at an equation of time.

The site, eight miles north of Elberton, Georgia on Highway 77, was chosen because it commands a view to the East and to the West and is within the range of the Summer and Winter sunrises and sunsets. The stones are oriented in those directions.


The wording of the message proclaimed on the monument is in 12 languages, including the Archaic languages of Sanskrit, Babylonian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Classical Greek, as well as English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish and Swahili.

The guides, followed by explanatory precepts, are as follows. The words here are exactly as the Sponsors provided them:
  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    Means the entire human race at its climax level for permanent balance with nature.

  2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
    Without going into details as yet undiscovered, this means humanity should apply reason and knowledge to guiding its own reproduction. "Fitness" could be translated as "health". "Diversity" could be translated as "variety".

  3. Unite humanity with a living new language
    A "living" language grows and changes with advancing knowledge. A "new" language will be developed "de novo" - and need not necessarily be adapted from any languages now in existence.

  4. Rule Passion - Faith - Tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
    "Faith" here may be used in a religious sense. Too often people are ruled by blind faith even when it may be contrary to reason. Reason must be tempered with compassion here - but must prevail.

  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
    Courts must consider justice as well as law.

  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
    Individual nations must be free to develop their own destinies at home as their own people wish - but cannot abuse their neighbors.

  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
    Self explanatory.

  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
    Individuals have a natural concern for their personal welfare, but man is a social animal and must also be concerned for the group. Failure of society means failure for its individual citizens.

  9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
    The infinite here means the supreme being - whose will is manifest in the workings of the cosmos - if we will seek for it.

  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature
    In our time, the growth of humanity is destroying the natural conditions of the Earth which have fostered all existing life. We must restore reasoned balance.


While it may seem that I have presented many unrelated and divergent writings in this series on depopulation of a planet, I believe by now you will see the direct connection and how, once again, Little Crow's phrase, "Everything is connected to everything", is reaffirmed. The groundwork laid by Thomas Malthus, Georg Hegel, Karl Marx, the Fabian Society, George Orwell, Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley, were carried as themes through countless publications concerning the issue of population.

When examining the countless books on population it becomes exceedingly clear that, for over a century, great and not so great minds have put their concentration to this critical issue which faces, and now slams in the face of, our living planet Gaia [Shan]. What stands out in neon when reviewing all of the treatises on the subject of population is the total absence of God. That's right, God. He is never mentioned - never included in the equation for hope and resolution. We know that God has a Plan 2000 too, yet somehow even saying this sounds trite, like some born-again comeback. But those who KNOW God, know that God's Plan is so far out of man's reach of understanding that its magnificence will shine as the noonday sun.

Instead of hope and inclusion of God into the equation for balance, we are presented with images of teeming masses who, like lemmings, move en masse toward their destination in a given moment. Always the conclusions are the same - reduce growth and depopulate or face ruin. Well, we can be sure that thanks to places such as Porton Down, England; Fort Detrick, Maryland; and the World Health Organization, the tools for death and destruction are locked and loaded and dispensed to the sleeping innocents in Third World countries where trusting eyes look up to those giving the injections and say in their native tongue, "Thank you" as the countdown to their own death begins.

Have I intended for this series to be depressing fear-mongering? Far from it. I went into this series entirely "open" to find whatever the evidence presented to me, and I believe the evidence by now is so overwhelming for even the greatest of skeptics that it is safe to say, "They really are trying to kill us off!" And the tools at their disposal cross all boundaries and come in such divergent forms as: disease-carrying ticks and fleas, clouds of gas, contaminated drinking water, on-the-hoof transmission through our meat to out-and-out nuclear weapons. The agenda for depopulation is right on track and accelerating rapidly. And, so too, the subject is so big, so overwhelming in scope, that most simply resign themselves and throw their hands up in the air and say, "There's nothing I can do about it."

It is no accident that CNN has recently run several specials on the Ebola virus. The public is being psychologically prepared for massive outbreaks, and massive outbreaks there will be. At this point in time, with all that has already been unleashed upon us, outbreaks are inevitable.

Those in power and control of this world do not know how to create, but they are extremely proficient at destruction and that is the path they are walking. They may make wondrous-sounding declarations about the need to protect Mother Earth, such as you just read in Agenda 21 (which will effect everyone), but the cost in human lives will be without measure.

You will know by now that the issues confronting us as a planet are so complex, so interwoven, that there are no easy answers. But who are Aurelio Peccei, Eduard Pestel, Hugo Thiemann, Carroll Wilson, Alexander King, Saburo Okita of the Club of Rome to dictate to mankind that thinning the masses is required? I do not advocate violence, but there was a time in history when crimes of such high treason against humanity were dealt with in a very precise manner. At the very least, ones such as Club of Rome members should be called to answer before a World Court. But then, I suppose following this line of reasoning further, charges would have to include administrators of such facilities as Porton Down, Fort Detrick, and perhaps even the World Health Organization itself. Obviously, in our present world, this isn't going to happen.

It is only through the selfless and courageous efforts of such brilliant scholars as Eustace Mullins, Dr. Eva Snead, Dr. John Coleman, Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxan, to name just a few, that we are given the side of the story that allows for true understanding. Under the black cloak of national security all manner of evil lurks, waiting to rub out the very essence of souled life as we know it.

For purposes of our discussion here, let's take Louis Farrakhan's march on Washington. Most people knew and expected that there would be major trouble, riots, rebellion, and, to use Gary Wean's phrase, initiated "race riots and revolution." And yet, what happened? The finest example of peaceful assembly ever witnessed. And why was this march so successful? Because God/Aton was included in the equation. He was the guiding force. His intervention was requested, in earnest, and He did intervene and it was nothing short of a miracle. Let me just ask a simple question: If God will intercede on behalf of those petitioning for peaceful assembly, don't you think He would intercede directly on behalf of preserving His own Creation if genuinely asked by souled beings everywhere in heartfelt prayer? Would He not send His Hosts to assist in resolution. But man does not think of this and many would say it is too late already. Well, with God, yea unto the midnight hour, it is not too late.

So, too, God HAS sent His Hosts in response to man's petition for help. The help is coming in many ways, but most notably in the form of THE WORD, which means, knowledge. Who is listening? Who is reading THE WORD? God has kept His promises. And I don't mean for this to sound like preaching but, rather, just telling it like it IS.

As now Vice President Al Gore noted in his book Earth In The Balance - Ecology And The Human Spirit, "Sir Crispin Tickell, a leading British diplomat and environmentalist, noted in a speech to the Royal Society in London in 1989 that 'a heavy concentration of people is at present in low-lying coastal areas along the world's great river systems. Nearly one-third of humanity lives within kilometers of a coastline. A rise in mean sea level of only twenty-five centimeters would have substantial effects - a problem of an order of magnitude which no one has ever had to face - in virtually all countries the growing numbers of refugees would cast a dark and lengthening shadow.'"

Of course, most writings on the subject of population do not take into account Mother Earth/Gaia taking her own steps to bring the planet into balance. These steps would include massive geophysical changes in the form of tectonic plate shifting, tidal waves, land masses rising and sinking, and yes, even a possible polar shift or magnetic pole shift. We know the magnetic poles are, NOW, in a state of flux and extremely unstable.

Will mankind's legacy be one of a spent planet, a hollow shell, radiated and used up? Or, will the higher collective consciousness of man, in co-creation with Creator God turn this planet in crisis around?

On Nov. 8, 1995, Aton wrote,



According to Hopi prophecy, 1996 is to be "the second migration to the new world which will be leaving behind on Grandmother Earth those who are choosing to continue to hold the power on this planet within the space of all the Sacred Twelve."

Will the Georgia Guidestones serve as mankind's legacy, as some historical marker for future civilizations to discover and decipher? Or will the guidestones provide the necessary wisdom for mankind to begin moving civilization closer its true heritage, that of HU-man, higher universal man, in close connection with God?

In George Lamsa's translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta, the Holy Bible From The Ancient Eastern Text, found in St. John, Chapter 14, we read the words of Jesus (Esu-Immanuel):

Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, and believe in me also.
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to me, so that where I am you may be also.
You know where I am going and you know the way. Thomas said to him, Our Lord, we do not know where you are going; and how can we know the way?
Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life; no man comes to my Father except by me.

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HUMINT :: F(x) Population Growth x F(x) Declining Resources = F(x) Resource Wars

KaffirLilyRiddle: F(x)population x F(x)consumption = END:CIV
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Unified Quest is the Army Chief of Staff's future study plan designed to examine issues critical to current and future force development... - as the world population grows, increased global competition for affordable finite resources, notably energy and rare earth materials, could fuel regional conflict. - water is the new oil. scarcity will confront regions at an accelerated pace in this decade.
US Army: Population vs. Resource Scarcity Study Plan
Human Farming Management: Fake Left v. Right (02:09)
ARMY STRATEGY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Office of Dep. Asst. of the Army Environment, Safety and Occupational Health: Richard Murphy, Asst for Sustainability, 24 October 2006
2006: US Army Strategy for Environment
CIA & Pentagon: Overpopulation & Resource Wars [01] [02]
Peak NNR: Scarcity: Humanity’s Last Chapter: A Comprehensive Analysis of Nonrenewable Natural Resource (NNR) Scarcity’s Consequences, by Chris Clugston
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